Thursday, March 25, 2010

OK so whats hard when it comes to programming in flash is many things like the kinds of things that you have to work with.What I feel that has to be done in the classroom to make me feel more comfortable is That I want to be in a comfortable seat and I also want to be in a spot where I can concentrate.I think the importance of remembering flash is everything because flash is a very very important and you never know that you may need flash because maybe something deleted your work and it had to do something with your flash.Flash is hard now and I think how I will become and expert at this is that I will just keep on practicing it and then I will start memorizing it and I will get it and then I will be and expert because I will no it all.Yes I do feel that the distractions in my class are keeping me from learning flash because when I see someone playing around and being funny I pay attention to them and I don't pay attention to flash.An example is that this one time a boy was playing around and I was paying attention to him because he was acting really really funny and so I had to do flash but sense I got distracted I forgot about flash and I missed all the steps and I messed up my page and that was a bad example.This is a very good example because one time I was in class and the boy was still playing but this time I did not get distracted and I followed the right directions and I did not pay attention to the boy and I finally got the flash and did a very wonderful job.I put yes for number 5 because this boy will always play around but now I put no because now I don't pay attention to him and I get all of my work done.Yes I do think that these video tutorials are helpful because the steps go slowly and they are just very good and they help me very well because they are telling me the steps and I understand them very well.To tell you the truth there is really no different way to help me understand it because I understand this really well now.OK so how flash is helping me is that because it is like keeping stuff in order.How I think flash is going to help me in the future is that like maybe I will need it to help me at work or maybe help me in school.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The visit from shannon sullivan was awesome it was awesome because she helped us do our work and our work was really hard and she is really nice.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How my experience with drawing in flash was Good and at the same time it was fun because we got to be very creative.It was challenging because some things were so hard to move around.this is fun because of course like almost ever kid loves or likes to draw because you get to enjoy it and also you get to be very creative with your drawing.The things that I have learned was how to move things around and also how to put your flash work in my wiki.Some things that I dislike about this is that when you are erasing you can mess it up and it will be ugly and then you will get very frustrated.Some things that I like in drawing in flash is that you get to be so inspiring.Some things that I learned was that to make a diffrent shape you have to go to the shape and then you have to press the little arrow at the bottom.My subject is breast cancer and enjoy doing breast cancer because we are trying to help the people not get breast cancer and trying to save them and just give them a first start on how you can go to the doctor and the doctor can help you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

awesome funest snowy day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The snow makes me feel so freaking happy.Today is the most awesomest day ever.I wish that it snowed everyday.I wish that we could play all the time when it snowed.When the snow hits me I have a very huge smile on my face.The way I feel about snow is awesome and fun.Snow just amazes me I am so freaking happy that it snowed today in Austin.Snow is the most coolest thing that made my life happy.Snow is the most coldest thing that I have ever felt.Today I think that we should have a snow day out and just play outside.What I think that will be awesome is that we could drink hot coco and also play outside in the snow at the same time.I wish that we could get a snowboard and slide down the hill and it will be so awesome and also freaking fun.I am so excited but not that excited because I have been to Colorado and I have snowboarded and I was so cold and to let everyone know that it was so cold that the lowest that it every got was 5 degrees.

Monday, February 22, 2010

So my progress with my group is good but only with certain people.OK so what I mean by that is there are some people who just get on my nerve.they just get on my never by they all ways just don't shut up they are annoying they don't never listen.I wish that the only people who I like as friends where in my group because I cant keep on dealing with all of this nonsense.The only reason that I am acting like this is because I cant stand the way that this person in my group acts.I also just hate the way that this person also acts and how he treats me.This person never ever pays attention he is always on games and also always singing and man I am so sorry to say this but I just dont like this person.The end

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I thought about the paper prototype was hard and also easy.Yes I did have a good and bad time I had a good time working with everyone.I had a very bad time when it got difficult because some of us got in to argument's.Yes I do understand the importance of paper prototyping the importance of it is to draw out the game plan.How it was for me working with a group the first time it was easier but it was sometimes crazy.Somethings that I like about the team are everyone helping each other.Something else that I hated about our group was that some of the time again like I said was that we get in lots of crazy loud argument's and also the team members we have that's another big reason.How I think things are going to go are pretty good with my group and my class and me I think that it will go really good if we all just come together and just work together very hard.I also think that for the rest of the year that we can all just try our best to be college prep and also try our and also my best to be the best that I can be and yeah that is pretty much how I think how our or my year is going to go.THE END

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1.My thoughts about globaloria are easy but hard.I do enjoy globaloria but when i have to do lots of work I dont.

2.What I have learned about globaloria is flash and more an example is moving the bunny.yes I do use my learning log.

3.sometimes I like to blog but I only like to blog fun things.but in the end I still like bloging.

4.What we do is we work on flash alot and sometimes we will work on blogs and we also work on our proto type also.

5.What I am looking foward to learning in globaloria is I want to mainly learn about is the some of the flash and I also really want to learn more about is the flash proto type.I looking foward to subjects like learning more about this because It haves to deal with obesity and I am really looking foward to learning more about obesity.But another reason is because I also want to learn about the other cancer and more.

6.Ok so my game concept is going to be about obesity and also cancer.Ok and so how my game is comming together is we are drawing our game and we are also going to look up some research and add it to our game.I am so exsited because I have never in my life made a game.But I am worried at the same time because it is hard.

Monday, January 25, 2010

what we did last week in flash

What we did in flash was we worked on flash.What the other thing that we did was we were copying and pasting.Yes it was hard and difficult.There was no best part.To tell you the truth the worst part of this was everything.Yes I do play games in my free time and they are awesome and fun.The types of games that I play because they are fun are crazy taxi and I also love to play this game called bloxorx.I love playing this game because it is challenging and hard and my type of game.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My game

My game is about obesity.I think kids should play my game because they need to learn to eat healthy.I want players to play this game because like I said I want them to be healthy and have a good life.I chose this topic because I want to be healthy and I want to never become obesity.What I want kids to learn from my game is that you have to eat healthy because I don't want them to die or get obesity.Another reason why i want them to play my game is because it is also fun and it also teaches you allot.